The cast of BET+’s new original drama series ‘Perimeter’ (executive produced by Tyler Perry, created by Armani Ortiz) joins Ryan Cameron Uncensored to talk Freaknik, 1990’s Atlanta, and spill behind-the-scenes tea about the new show!
“Exploring Atlanta in the early ’90s is like finding a cave full of diamonds,” Ortiz tells The Hollywood Reporter, “To be able to tell this city’s amazing story through the eyes of a young cast that grows up alongside it was even more fateful. As Atlanta developed its persona — preparing to take the world stage with the Olympic Games while simultaneously coming of age as America’s Black Mecca with its rich character of natives, HBCU culture, Black governance — the history of Atlanta is undeniably one of a kind” (Hollywood Reporter).
Grab your popcorn for the show’s premiere Thursday, February 29th!
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