Dawn Robinson Of En Vogue Details Past 3 Years Of Living In Her Car

Dawn Robinson Of En Vogue Details Past 3 Years Of Living In Her Car

"Private Sessions" Season Three

Source: Bill Tompkins / Getty


You never really know how far the entertainment industry will take a person, especially if a superstar lives long enough to see their once-shimmering light fade away. It’s comparable to the current situation of ’80s R&B stars Randy Debarge and James Debarge, and very similar to what the world has witnessed for the past three years and counting in the ongoing downward spiral of former media maven Wendy Williams.

Sadly, that fate has also fell upon Dawn Robinson, former lead singer of award-winning R&B group En Vogue and the short-lived neo soul trio Lucy Pearl. In a video posted to her YouTube earlier today (seen below), the 58-year-old chanteuse revealed the shocking truth that she’s been living out of her car for the past three years.



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Keeping a positive mindset as she smiles while telling her story, Dawn makes it clear that she’s in a state of happiness even if this isn’t  her most ideal situation. “I’m a funky diva, but not funky,” she joked while describing her use of a gym membership in order to bathe on a daily basis, going on to add, “I wouldn’t trade anything that I’ve gone through for nothing.”[sic] Also in her testimony, she admits to missing her family but reiterates that a reunion will happen when the time is right and the relationships with her sister and parents are in a better place. “It is not something that I would have chosen [for myself], but I’m glad that I put myself out here and glad that I did it; I have no shame.”

Dawn’s downfall first began during a time of duress for everyone when the world went into lockdown five years ago to the date. The global pandemic forced her to go live with family in Las Vegas, which lasted until tension with her mom led to living in the car. After a month, her co-manager put her up in a Los Angeles hotel where she stayed for roughly eight months until funds ran dry. On March 9, 2022, she left the hotel and has been living, as she put it, “off the grid” ever since.

It’s unfortunate to see a woman who went from being in one of the most awarded and celebrated girl groups of the ’90s, not to mention a trio during the 2000s as well who many still want to see come together for a reunion, fall so hard from grace. However, the humor in her delivery of the news — dare we say, joy? — gives us hope that she’ll get back to her place as an R&B Diva soon enough.

Watch the full video above of former En Vogue singer Dawn Robinson revealing that she’s been sleeping out of her car for the past three years, and also take a look at what some on social media are saying below:


1. I hate that for Dawn Robinson.. truly. But it’s never been a thing of them not letting her in En Vogue. She keeps leaving and doesn’t wanna be there as long Rhona is there. That pride has to go out the window. Get your money girl.. they’ve been touring non stop for 20 years.

via @ThereGoTerry


2. unfortunately, dawn did this to herself. love her down but she is very difficult to work with. everybody is not lying. the door has been open for her to do shows with en vogue but her ego is stopping that. egos can kill. she could get on her feet if she put her pride to the side and get back with the group.

via @lifeasdee_


3. Nahh man we ain’t doing this. Somebody gotta through @dawnrobinsondiva a life line. Qoute: “Dawn explains she fell on hard times during the pandemic and had been staying with her parents in Vegas before that situation fizzled.” HEY Yo i get the “people make their choices” & yadadadada But dayum man. Covid did fugg alot of people up.

via @HughEMC


4. This clip was tough to watch. For me, Dawn Robinson is the heartbeat of En Vogue. I hope that she and the rest of the group can work it out, because a full reunion would be HUGE.

via @DonPremier


5. Let’s talk about the En Vogue drama, shall we? It seems like everyone’s got their pitchforks out for Dawn Robinson once again, but let’s hit pause on the blame game for a hot second. Sure, she’s got her quirks (who doesn’t?), but can we take a moment to acknowledge that there are more players in this game than just one diva? ‍It’s easy to point fingers when the spotlight’s on, but let’s not forget the whole ensemble cast here: management, record labels, and yes, even the other bandmates. They all played a part in this saga. So, before you start crafting your “Dawn, you’re the villain” fan fiction, remember that accountability is more than a one-way street.

via @1blackteacup


6. As much as Dawn Robinson sabotaged her career and burnt bridges, I don’t wish for her to be homeless

via @ArchValenz


7. Dawn Robinson from #Envogue shares that she is homeless and has been living in her car for almost three years. What is the industry doing with these people’s money, and why is everyone afraid to speak on it? Is the legacy of Black celebrities under attack? What is really going on here? #AngieStone #WendyWilliams

via @NikkiThaGodB1


8. They better start a gofund me & all that for Dawn Robinson too.



9. Cindy, Terry, Maxine, and Rhona…..go get Dawn!!! Yes we know Dawn reveal a lot but she is much apart of En Vogue as y’all. Time to go get her, have the tough convos & then go make that money so EVERYBODY can win. So, En Vogue can FINALLY get their well deserved flowers!

via @JrWorldOfSoul


10. Man, that Dawn Robinson situation is really sad.

via @DeadStockDev





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