Usher Champions Diabetes Awareness on Capitol Hill

Usher Champions Diabetes Awareness on Capitol Hill

Source: Tom Williams / Getty

Usher made his way to Capitol Hill last week to advocate for lawmakers to make screening for Type 1 diabetes more attainable.

Usher, whose son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a decade ago, has a personal stance on the cause. His passion associated with the topic results in his want and drive to advocate for positive change in hopes of saving lives.

According to The Mayo Clinic, Type 1 diabetes is a chronic condition that was once referred to as “juvenile diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes” where the pancreas produces a small amount or no insulin at all. An article on explains that Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes come from different causes. In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not make insulin because the body’s immune system attacks the islet cells in the pancreas that produces insulin. In Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas makes less insulin than usual, and your body becomes resistant to insulin. The sooner individuals are able to screen for Type 1 diabetes and identify the progression, the sooner they can be provided with the necessary support to assist in managing the condition and quality of their everyday life.

Usher was initially spotted riding the Senate subway before he met with House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and other lawmakers to discuss SCREEN for Type 1 Diabetes Act. The discussion was led by Representative Schrier, DeGette, Joyce, and Bilirakis in the House, and Senator Shaheen and Collins in the Senate.

While still in the preliminary stages, the act aims to increase awareness and provide early detection of the disease. It wouldn’t be Usher if fans, including reporters and Capitol Hill staff, weren’t lined up patiently waiting for a selfie after the meeting. At one point, emerging from the meeting in his tan suit, undershirt, and signature shades, Usher told Good Morning America, “I had a great time here in D.C.,” when asked about his conversations with lawmakers.


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The post Usher Champions Diabetes Awareness on Capitol Hill appeared first on Black America Web.