Letter From The Editor: Wunmi Mosaku Is An Ethereal Goddess On HelloBeautiful

Letter From The Editor: Wunmi Mosaku Is An Ethereal Goddess On HelloBeautiful

Wunmi Mosaku HelloBeautiful Cover

Source: Gianna Snapped / for HelloBeautiful

Choosing a final cover shot for Wunmi Mosaku was a challenge because every shot was so gorgeous, we couldn’t decide. Should we go with her piercing eyes in the chartreuse look or the flowing saffron gown that compliments her sunkissed mahogany skin? Can’t go wrong either way.

MUST READ: ‘Sinners’ Star Wunmi Mosaku Is Resting Between The Past And Present

The strikingly beautiful actress is the heartbeat of Ryan Coogler’s upcoming vampire thriller Sinners. In the cover story, penned by Aramide Tinubu, Mosaku opens up about how playing the character Annie, a Hoodoo conjurer, and how it stirred up feelings inside herself.

According to Mosaku, Annie changed her on “many levels. “It’s almost hard to put in words because I see the lessons I learned from her show up in places I didn’t expect. I find myself asking, ‘What would Annie do?’ My husband’s always saying, I move too fast, I can have accidents. I can skip over the details. I will listen to fear first since that can be the loudest voice. Annie has taught me to trust in my power. Slowing down and trusting the right thing will be made obvious.”

Mosaku is the pulse of Sinners, but she credits award-winning wardrobe wizard Ruth E. Carter with being an “alchemist.” “It’s not just the clothing. She considers everything on a 360/4D level. Costume is quite a difficult aspect of the job – trying to feel confident and comfortable in someone else’s clothes. Watching her detail and care was exquisite.”

Keep scrolling for all the looks from Wunmi Mosaku’s HelloBeautiful cover shoot.

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