What In God Are You Thankful For? | Willie Moore Jr. Show

What In God Are You Thankful For? | Willie Moore Jr. Show

Woman breathing fresh air with open arms in london

Source: Jose carlos Cerdeno / Getty

On the Willie Moore Jr. Show, we pause to give thanks for the unwaveringly good characteristics of God. His love is unconditional, his grace is abundant, and his mercy endureth forever.

In times of joy and in times of struggle, God’s characteristics remain the same—for that. we are grateful.

So, we want to ask you what’s one thing in God that you’re thankful for?

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Willie Moore Jr.: “Dwight, tell me one thing in God that you’re thankful for in God?”

Dwight Stone: “That he doesn’t judge me by my mistakes. I think that’s the reason I love serving him, because I don’t feel his judgment. I still feel the call on my life, but I know based on what I did yesterday that I already failed it ..but he doesn’t quit on me…my voice is starting to crack…  

He doesn’t quit on me, so I can’t quit on him. You know what I mean? Because [he knows] what [I] did yesterday; [He’s like], hey, man, you went a little too hard in this area…Alright, are you ready to give another shot?  

I’m like, ‘Man you’re good. You are incredible. What type of God is this?’ You know, because I don’t know a human that would do that. I don’t know anybody would be like [that.] If you had a job and you were late for that job, you’re going to get fired. If you had a job and the job requires you to do [something] and you don’t do it, you’re fired. God is the only God that’s like, ‘Yeah Dwight, I know you didn’t get it right yesterday, but I still need you to be what I called you to be today.’” 

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