Free Food Deals From Your Favorite Restaurants On Veterans Day

Free Food Deals From Your Favorite Restaurants On Veterans Day

To any military veteran of the United States Armed Forces – Happy Veterans Day!

In 1954, Congress passed a bill that President Eisenhower signed, proclaiming November 11 as Veterans Day. A day we honor and show appreciation for the many men and women who’ve dedicated their lives to making sure that we’re all safe and secure in our country.

For active and veteran service members, your favorite restaurants are offering free and discounted food today. It’s a show of appreciation for the dedication you’ve done for your country, your family, and your loved ones.

These deals apply whether you like sweet treats, coffee, pizza, steak, and more!

Is anyone else getting hungry?

Check out our list below, and if we’ve missed any good deals be sure to let us know in the comments.